Monday, March 23, 2009

Where to get coupons?

I often get asked this question. Most of my coupons come from:

  • Sunday newspaper- (If you live in the Tri-cities area, the Bristol Herald Courier has the best ones.)
  • All You magazine- there are always $40-50 worth of coupons each month and some great articles as well.
  • e-Bay - if there are particular products you can't find coupons for or if you just want to quickly build your inventory you can get a lot of coupons for just a couple of dollars on e-Bay. Make sure you look at the seller feedback to see that you are using a reputable seller. I found e-Bay particularly helpful when my daughter was young. I got formula coupons and diapers coupons through e-Bay.
  • online printable coupons from sites such as; (not all stores will accept them but I am finding that more and more are open to accepting them)
  • other online providers such as;; These websites allow you to select and purchase only the coupons you want. So for example if you want Similac coupons, Tyson chicken, and Tylenol- you could select and purchase just those coupons. The coupons are generally anywhere from $.05-$.15 each plus the cost of a stamp.

If you have questions about any of these don't hestitate to contact me ( I'd be glad to provide any additional information or answer any questions.


  1. I get my coupons mainly from the recycle bins at our local recycle center. You would be amazed at how many I pull out, last week alone I got 30 different inserts. I just bring my stuff to recycle take some out and put some in. It's not gross, its just newspaper, I've gotten over 10 of my buddies from church doing it now too:)

